Archive for the 'web development' Category

If you’ve ever setup an SSL certificate you know that its a hassle. Renewing your SSL certificate is likewise un-intuitive and takes more steps than it should. It turns out that paying for a certificate renewal does not automatically renew the certificate you have installed, you actually have to install the renewed copy. Our setup […]

IE8 came out today. Along the way Microsoft fixed a bunch or rendering bugs, which is great, but you might run into problems of you previously used conditional comments such as: <!–[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="patches-ie.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> < ![endif]–><!–[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="patches-ie.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> < ![endif]–> The trouble is that IE8 […]

Yahoo small business domains recently increased their yearly domain renewal fees to $30 (as compared to $7 for some others) I needed to transfer several production domains from yahoo to godaddy and avoid downtime. Domain transfers are notoriously lengthy and painful; domain unlocking, transfer initiation, secret codes, and waiting, waiting, and more waiting. Here’s a […]


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