Fixing a Large CMSPropertyData Table in Umbraco
0 Comments Published by boris December 16th, 2008 in umbracoCurrent versions of Umbraco appear to have a bug that may cause corruption of publishing times and cause documents to re-publish themselves many times over. This can lead to an extremely large CMSPropertyData table and the need for frequent application pool recycles. See and–cmsPropertyData–392MB.aspx for a discussion of the issue.
We’ve done several things to control this issue, though a true fix has yet to be developed:
- We applied the suggested fix of changing the umbraco.presentation.cache.CacheRefresher() constructor (this seemed to have no effect):
public CacheRefresher() { if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null) { this.Url = "http://" + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + "/umbraco/webservices/cacheRefresher.asmx"; } }
- We removed the future publishing functionality from the UI (umbraco/presentation/umbraco/editContent.aspx.cs in umbraco 3.03):
//dpRelease.ID = "releaseDate"; //dpRelease.DateTime = _document.ReleaseDate; //dpRelease.ShowTime = true; //publishProps.addProperty(ui.Text("content", "releaseDate", base.getUser()), dpRelease); //dpExpire.ID = "expireDate"; //dpExpire.DateTime = _document.ExpireDate; //dpExpire.ShowTime = true; //publishProps.addProperty(ui.Text("content", "expireDate", base.getUser()), dpExpire);
- We commended out the publishing timer which seems to have stopped the growth without adverse effects (thought I imagine that scheduled publishing would no longer work) (/umbraco/presentation/requestModule.cs in umbraco 3.03)
//publishingTimer = // new Timer(new TimerCallback(publishingService.CheckPublishing), HttpApp.Context, 600000, 60000);
The author of ClientTools promises to release a new version which should be able to cleanup the large number of item revisions in the database.
Stored procedures useful for troubleshooting this issue include:
- find items with the most revisions:
SELECT contentNodeId, COUNT(contentNodeId) FROM cmsPropertyData GROUP BY contentNodeId ORDER BY COUNT(contentNodeid) DESC
- manually delete an item (if you can’t find the item in the UI using http://site/umbraco/editContent.aspx?id=IDHERE):
DELETE FROM cmsPropertyData WHERE contentNodeId = '4023'
- find lost documents:
SELECT * FROM umbracoNode WHERE nodeObjectType = 'c66ba18e-eaf3-4cff-8a22-41b16d66a972' AND ID NOT IN (SELECT Nodeid FROM cmsDocument)
- find items scheduled to publish:
SELECT DISTINCT nodeId, level, sortOrder FROM cmsDocument INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON = cmsDocument.nodeId WHERE newest = 1 AND NOT releaseDate IS NULL AND releaseDate < = getdate() ORDER BY level, sortOrder