In conclusion,
what I would really like to bring out is that throughout this project I have looked at
many various sources and gotten a lot of different information about Robert C. O
Brien and Z for Zachariah and about nuclear war, but what I was really going for was to
see whether the book had a realistic setting. I was interested in finding out if what
occurred in the Robert C'Obrien novel could occur in real life. And to my surprise it can.
Although the situation would be somewhat different from what is described nuclear war
could really occur. It is not the type of thing that I think about every day but the fact
is that it could become reality. As I found out children at the age of two have a 75%
chance of nuclear weaponry being used in their lifetime. 75% is a an extremely large
number, enough to kill thousands of people. We dont know what the future will hold
for us, but nuclear war is one of the worst possibilities. Human kind could well be wiped
out and the serving of anyone is highly unlikely. I have begun to look at Z for Zachariah
in a different way, it could even be an optimistic book, with reality being much grimmer
than described in the novel.
I hope you enjoyed the page! Please send any comments or suggestions to the
following email address:
© 1997 Boris Masis
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About Robert C'Obrien and Z for Zachariah,
What has been said about Robert C. O'Brien
The threat of nuclear disaster in the real world in comparisson
to the novel,
Reviews of Z for Zachariah,