That's it!

That's it! You've you've finished looking at my picture book! So what do you think? You've now learned about every phylum, and it's animals and plants. I hope you enjoyed it, I put a lot of effort into making it, and hopefully it was helpful.
If you have sound support click for related music and minimize the box that comes up. It will start playing automatically when loaded.

Now let's see what you've learned! Take the Test!

Below are the same buttons you saw when you came here, as you pass your mouse cursor over each one the correct phylum name it belongs to appears at the bottom of your browser window. (Status Box) Wait! Don't do it yet! First think of what you believe the correct phylum is and then go ahead. If you were wrong you can click on the button, and it will take you to the phylum's description. GOOD LUCK!

sponge cnidaria Patyhelminthes Nemerta annelida
molluska arthropoda bryzoa echinodermata chordata
all plants

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(This includes you Miss Bissel :-) Email me at

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