

About Flatland
The Story of Flatland
The Hierarcy of Shapes
Don't get confused
Lineland's Webpage
Pointland's Webpage
A Note


Be amazed, here's Jason's rendition of the Flatland characters. Keep in mind if you were viewing the following through flatland they would all apear as a straigt line, unless of course you posses skills of sight recognition.

You will also find pictures of the color revolution below, pictured are a woman and a priest.

The main character, A. Square.

A Woman. Women are straight lines.

A soldier. Soldiers are highly pointed isosceles trianges, almost as damgerous as women upon collision.

A Tradesman. Tradesmen are still isosceles trianges, but they aren't as pointed.

An equalateral Triangle.

A pentagon.

A circle. Circles are the most highly respected of all of the shapes.

Pictures of the color revolution

Because their colorings were the same, Women and priests were hard to tell apart during the color revolution in Flatland. This caused a lot of controversy, and eventually color was banned from use.

A priest during the color revolution.

A Woman during the color revolution.