Deleting inactive WordPressMU blogs
7 Comments Published by boris December 31st, 2008 in technology, wordpressUpdate: we’ve had some problems where some incorrect tables have been deleted by this script. We haven’t had time to investigate, but for now I don’t recommend using this script as is.
Elad posted a small script to delete inactive WordressMU blogs. This can be useful if you run a blog network and want to automate the removal of stale content and regain some database space. I recommend backing up your DB regularly if you plan on running this script in production as it deletes data from the DB.
AJ and I made some modification and improvements to Elad’s version. Namely:
- fixed bugs in the original (swapped blogs_mail and blogs_delete values)
- added option to exclude certain blogs from the process (so that you don’t accidentally delete your primary blog for example)
- changed mail to use SMTP in case you don’t run a mail server on your WordPressMU box
- changed delete procedure to loop though all user tables (no longer hard-coded to only certain tables)
To use this code place the .php file somewhere inside your wordpressMU install and setup a cron job to run it weekly (for example, something like “php -q /path/wpmu-cleanup.php”). Note that this code does not delete the user from the wp_users table, nor does it delete their folder in /wp-content/blogs.dir.
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It also automatically deletes blogs that have not been updated for Y days, then sends an email to the blogowner. On both occasions, the script will send a report with details on warned and deleted blogs to the administrator. This script has *NOT* been programmed as a plugin since it is intended to be executed by a cronjob. As it is now it should be run once every 7 days, but you can configure it to do otherwise. This script is *NOT* a final version and should be used with caution and only if you know what you are doing. I recommend testing it on a testsite rather than a livesite. **********************************************************/ /* SETTINGS */ require_once "Mail.php"; require_once('wp-load.php'); $mysql_server = ''; $mysql_username = ''; $mysql_password = ''; $mysql_database = 'wordpress'; $options['email_host'] = ''; $options['email_from'] = ''; // Email-address used for sending notices. $options['email_subject'] = 'Your Website'; $options['mail_report'] = ''; // Reports will be sent to this address. $options['timetomail'] = 256; // Number of days blog can be inactive before receiving deletion warning. $options['timetodeletion'] = 270; // Number of days blog can be inactive before deletion. $options['dateformat'] = 'm-d-Y'; // Dateformat used in emails. $options['noticemessage'] = 'Dear user,' . "\n\n" . 'You have not updated your website in %timetomail% days. This message is to remind you that your website will be deleted if it is not updated in %timetodeletion% days.' . "\n\n" . 'If you would like to keep your website, please update it before %date%.' . "\n\n" . 'Best regards.' . "\n\n"; $options['deletemessage'] = 'Dear user,' . "\n\n" . 'Since your website has not been updated for %timetodeletion% days, it has been deleted.' . "\n\n" . 'Please contact us if you have any questions.' . "\n\n" . 'Best regards.' . "\n\n"; $options['blogstoignore'] = array(); //blogs that should not be part of this logic for example =array(1,2); /********************/ /*** STOP EDITING ***/ /********************/ $options['unix_timetomail'] = $options['timetomail'] * 24 * 60 * 60; $options['unix_timetodeletion'] = $options['timetodeletion'] * 24 * 60 * 60; $options['date'] = date($options['dateformat'], (($options['timetodeletion'] - $options['timetomail']) * 24 * 60 * 60) + time()); function mailer ($to, $from, $subject, $body){ global $options; $headers = array ('From' => $from, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject); $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array ('host' => $options['email_host'], 'auth' => false)); $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body); } // Connect to database $db = mysql_connect($mysql_server, $mysql_username, $mysql_password); mysql_select_db($mysql_database, $db); // Get blogs $sql = 'SELECT blog_id,last_updated FROM wp_blogs'; $sql = mysql_query($sql); while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql) ) : if (!in_array($row['blog_id'], $options['blogstoignore'])) $blogs_raw[$row['blog_id']] = strtotime($row['last_updated']); endwhile; // Get blogs for deletion notice foreach( $blogs_raw as $key => $value ) : $time = time() - $value; if( $time >= $options['unix_timetomail'] && $time < $options['unix_timetodeletion'] ) : $blogs_mail[] = array('blogid' => $key, 'email' => '', 'siteurl' => ''); endif; endforeach; // Get userdata for warning notice for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($blogs_mail); $i++) : $str = 'admin_email'; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT option_value FROM wp_" . $blogs_mail[$i]['blogid'] . "_options WHERE option_name = '$str'"); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql) ) : $blogs_mail[$i]['email'] = $row['option_value']; endwhile; $str = 'siteurl'; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT option_value FROM wp_" . $blogs_mail[$i]['blogid'] . "_options WHERE option_name = '$str'"); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql) ) : $blogs_mail[$i]['siteurl'] = $row['option_value']; endwhile; endfor; $cronmsg = 'The following blogs have been sent deletion warnings:' . "\n\n"; // Create and send warning notice to users for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($blogs_mail); $i++) : $message = str_replace('%timetomail%', $options['timetomail'], $options['noticemessage']); $message = str_replace('%timetodeletion%', $options['timetodeletion'], $message); $message = str_replace('%date%', $options['date'], $message); //$message = str_replace('%loginurl%', $blogs_mail[$i]['siteurl'] . 'wp-login.php', $message); mailer($blogs_mail[$i]['email'], $options['email_from'], $options['email_subject'], $message); $cronmsg .= $blogs_mail[$i]['siteurl'] . "\n"; endfor; if (sizeof($blogs_mail) > 0) mailer($options['mail_report'], $options['mail_report'], 'Blogs Sent Warnings', $cronmsg); // Get blogs for deletion foreach( $blogs_raw as $key => $value ) : $time = time() - $value; if( $time >= $options['unix_timetodeletion'] ) : $blogs_delete[] = array('blogid' => $key, 'email' => '', 'siteurl' => ''); endif; endforeach; // Get userdata for deletion notice for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($blogs_delete); $i++) : $str = 'admin_email'; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT option_value FROM wp_" . $blogs_delete[$i]['blogid'] . "_options WHERE option_name = '$str'"); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql) ) : $blogs_delete[$i]['email'] = $row['option_value']; endwhile; $str = 'siteurl'; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT option_value FROM wp_" . $blogs_delete[$i]['blogid'] . "_options WHERE option_name = '$str'"); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql) ) : $blogs_delete[$i]['siteurl'] = $row['option_value']; endwhile; endfor; // Delete tables $cronmsg = 'The following blogs have been deleted:' . "\n\n"; for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($blogs_delete); $i++) : //loop though and delete all tables that begin with the blog id $prefix = 'wp_' . $blogs_delete[$i]['blogid'] . '_%'; $querystr ="SHOW TABLES LIKE '$prefix'"; $tables = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, ARRAY_N); $query = ""; if ($tables){ foreach ($tables as $table){ $query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '. $table[0]; $wpdb->query($query); } } $sql_blogid = $blogs_delete[$i]['blogid']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM wp_blogs WHERE blog_id = '$sql_blogid'") or die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); // Send mail $message = str_replace('%timetodeletion%', $options['timetodeletion'], $options['deletemessage']); mailer($blogs_delete[$i]['email'], $options['email_from'], $options['email_subject'], $message); $cronmsg .= $blogs_delete[$i]['siteurl'] . "\n"; endfor; if (sizeof($blogs_delete) > 0) mailer($options['mail_report'], $options['mail_report'], 'Deleted Blogs', $cronmsg); ?> |